Another Blog to Write On

Hello, welcome to my blog. Actually, this is my tenth blog site under Blogger. I have been in the blogosphere for almost three years, but I am struggling in blogging. Everytime that I create a new blog site, I have eagerness to post only for few months. The longer time I allotted on my online niche is three months. If I am dissatisfied, I am doing another one that makes my previous blogs dormant. If you are going to search my name, I think it will appear in different blogs that I created. I easily give up every time that I feel my blog is not improving or I think of a blog with other concepts.

Now, here I am again trying my new concept. I really want to have my permanent blogs that will showcase my personality and my profession. I have my blog Your Friend, Maestro that serves as my platform to showcase the stressful yet fulfilling life as a teacher. I hope that it will prosper in the next months to come. Hopefully, this one will lasts also.

I have been exerting efforts to making a blog which will help me to vent out my thoughts about my life and about the things and events that affect me, the netizens and people who are offline. This blog is crafted based on my personality. I named it "Wordsmith in the Island" because I am an aspirant writer residing in an island municipality in the beautiful archipelago: the Philippines. My ultimate dream is to be a well- known writer. I am doing all means to cater my talent. I have been rejected. My writings are not attracting readers. It is very hard to find your spot in this world where there are many excellent and established writers.

Thanks that blogging exists. I have my freedom to display my thoughts online. I have the power to say what I like and to comment what I think irritating or displeasing. I am a significant wannabe for the meantime, but time will come that I will make my name as a credible and famous writer. There is no harm in dreaming. However, it should not there. I know that the way is bumpy and long. I just need to be patient and industrious for me to achieve my dream.

What do you expect on my blog? This will be my avenue to show my poems, stories, and essays. I am fond of doing imaginary writings. I want to be creative. I hope that I can lure readers with my writing style. Aside from it, I am going to post my daily activities. I will post my random thoughts that tickle my brain. I am also going to post my reflections in several issues that intrigue me. I hope that I can use this as my online diary or journal. I want to overcome my shyness at the same time being introvert. I want to be outspoken. I want to be frank.

This will also serve as my travelouge. I am a home buddy. I love to stay at home. Lately, I realize that I need to go out from my comfort zone to further taste life. I should go beyond the horizons to explore and learn other things. If there will be opportunity to reach other places, I will be happy to post my explorations here. Promise, this will not be quixotic.

I hope that you will enjoy reading my blog. Know me more by reading my posts.


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